ChatGPT are boosting work in 2023
People Are Using AI Bots Like ChatGPT To Work Side Jobs And Make Thousands Of Dollars – Check Out These 5 Popular Freelance Jobs
Sales presentations (pitch decks) are used to help startups convince investors to invest in their ideas. They usually take the form of a series of slides that combine information about the company with an overall narrative.
If you browse sites like Upwork, you'll find hundreds of offers from companies looking for someone to create a winning presentation for them.
With technologies like ChatGPT, the OpenAI text-generating chatbot, and Tome, an AI-powered storytelling tool, freelancers can create multiple sales presentations per week.
Larry Lundstrom, a pastor from Arkansas, told Insider that he creates two to three sales presentations a week using generative artificial intelligence tools and charges between $500 and $1,000 for each presentation.
Dubbing of videos in other languages.
Streaming companies like Netflix, and content creators on YouTube and TikTok, are looking to translate their videos into more languages to reach a global audience, and to do so, they are turning to voice dubbers. With a growing number of artificial intelligence tools, freelancers can also try their hand at voice acting.
YouTuber Kris McCauley, whose videos about making money online have earned him more than 90,000 YouTube subscribers, recently started a Spanish-language channel for his videos. In a video posted on January 5, McCauley said he initially turned to translations.com, a popular option for many YouTubers, to translate his videos into Spanish. In the video, McCauley said the company quoted him $4,000 to dub 100 minutes of footage.
McCauley later discovered Nova AI, software that can translate and add subtitles to videos. Nova AI's "Pro" plan, priced at $18 a month, allows users to translate 300 minutes of footage into 75 different languages, according to its website. McCauley mentioned that he is saving hundreds of dollars with this new approach, although he is still relying on external doublers.
However, he noted that an enterprising freelancer could easily turn voice-over into a profitable side job with a tool like Nova AI.
writing articles
ChatGPT's ability to match words has surprised many. So it can be a useful tool for those looking to make money generating written content.
Henry Williams, a London-based freelance writer, used the bot to generate a marketing article. In his own words, he was horrified to see that ChatGPT had created a 600 word article in less than 30 seconds.
Williams noted that the bot's tone was not humane and that the structure was not particularly sophisticated, but that the "key points, grammar and syntax were impeccable."
After some tweaking, he claimed it was something he would have charged at least $615 to write for.
Resume Creation
On a site like Upwork, freelance resume writers who advertise their services charge anywhere from $25 to $65 per hour.
And when most of that work is outsourced to ChatGPT, resume writing becomes an easy way to earn extra money.
"ChatGPT can write better cover letters and resumes than almost anyone," said Brianne Kimmel, a venture capitalist who founded Worklife Ventures.
As the only general partner of what Kimmel calls an "agile firm," Kimmel said she and her team work with a lot of freelancers and look specifically for early adopters of new tools.
"I'm really excited about AI, because I feel like there's finally this new technology that really helps anyone learn a new skill quickly," she said. "And then there are new technologies where people can really monetize those skills."
Movie Creation
It's becoming easier for aspiring filmmakers with busy day jobs to pursue their passions thanks to generative artificial intelligence tools. Jordan Poblete, a business strategist with a passion for film production, is using ChatGPT and Dall-E 2 to create a pitch for an independent film.
"Our film in particular includes magical realism or aspects of magical realism that can't be created in the real world," he said, adding that Dall-E 2 has been especially helpful in getting the mood right.
Poblete said he plans to present the film to producers later this month. Although he's not sure how much money the movie could make, he certainly hopes it will be a hit.
Reshi used ChatGPT, MidJourney, and other AI tools to make an animated short film in just 6 hours. Since he posted it to Twitter last month, the video has already amassed more than 7 million views.